My Blog

Changing Mindsets about Hearing Loss

Societal misperceptions about hearing loss can prevent people from seeking the help that they need. And even when we do look for help, our doctors may minimize the condition, sidelining it as a normal part of aging. The same goes for policy makers who have historically left hearing care out of many public insurance plans. Continue reading

Hearing Loss Challenges: Starting Over in a New Environment

The teacher’s voice bounces around the space making it hard for me to follow the instructions. It’s my first yoga class in the studio near our new winter home away from home in Maui. (Yes, an empty nest can be a beautiful thing). It is helpful that the postures are familiar and there is a Continue reading

Interesting Reads: Soundtrack of Silence by Matt Hay

Sharing stories of loss and resilience help us feel connected. They give us strength and teach us tricks for living better with our challenges. Most importantly, they help us feel less alone. Matt Hay’s story, which he eloquently shares in his new book Soundtrack of Silence, is no exception. I met Matt in the early Continue reading

What is Your Hearing Loss Word of the Year?

Each January much of the world takes a pause to start fresh. It’s a new year. A new chance. A fresh opportunity for happiness and hope. Some people make resolutions—I will exercise three times a week or I will eat less fried food—but many of them are abandoned within a few weeks. A more successful Continue reading

2023 Highlights: Living with Hearing Loss

As we reach the end of another busy year for Living with Hearing Loss, I want to thank all my readers for making our community a welcoming and enriching environment for all of us. It has a been a busy year of writing, speaking, “We Hear You” screenings, and “Hear & Beyond” book signings! I look forward Continue reading
